Death Tarot


This week I wanted to feature The Golden Tarot. It is really a spectacular deck comprised of collage imagery from the European masters paintings, these Tarot cards pay tribute to artwork of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance celebrating the exploration of tarot and its artistic heritage. The edges of the cards are gold gilt...Stunning!

Sooo..... the Tarot card of the day: Death...YAY!!!

In numerology this is my card. I add up to 13 which then also reduces to 4, so both Death & Emperor are significant cards in my life, but I love the Death card (#13). People are so freaked out by it as are some about tarot in general due to years of Hollywood depicting it as something it isn't on film, or some preacher behind the pulpit screaming about something they know nothing about. It RARELY refers to an actual physical death. In 40 years of studying tarot I've seen it represent a physical death maybe 5 times. It's really a beautiful card. It's a death to things that no longer serve us and where we are now going, or things that are dead to you, to a rebirth of the new and better version of ourselves. For people who live in rural areas think of it as field burning to ensure better crops for next season. But it's actually the Hangman that does all the work Death gets credit for. A lot of times the Hangman is about shedding and letting go, sometimes things, sometimes concepts, sometimes people! This can be very difficult for some people especially those who don't like change, but that's what the Hangman is about. The Hangman card is often depicted with a halo around his head known as the "Halo of Enlightenment". Then once we can get our heads around what no longer serves us and where we are going in this chapter in life, then the beautiful transition of the Death card engages and we have the experience of rebirth and the soul can experience a higher level of vibration. This is gonna be a great day.... Cheers!!!

Michelle Lagos