To understand the universe around us, we must understand the universe within us.
— Armin Houman

  I always knew things were a little different from about the age of 2.  I would wake up in the morning and ask my mother who the man was that would sit by my bed at night and watch me sleep.  He seemed very relaxed but protective.  My mother always said it was my imagination, there was no one there, but he never went away until I was about 8 or so.   

By the age of 10 I learned not to mention when people or voices would just pop in and out of daily life, that no one around seemed to notice, as it wasn’t really compatible with my parents fundamental Christian beliefs.

Later the events and communications escalated so people who were around me the most, especially while visiting my home, would experience activity and commotion in a way that was occasionally alarming to friends and family. I however, could easily look over, and see the little girl that liked to run up and down the stairs that was making the pounding sounds and the caused the chandelier to swing a bit.

Often times the voices would offer clarity to challenges or difficulties life would present, once the most frequent voice literally saved my life…

One summer day, I was in my new little convertible sitting at a stop sign admiring the beautiful view of Mt. Hood in Oregon, when suddenly I felt the urge to turn right to get on freeway to go to voice lesson.  Being way ahead of schedule, I casually saw a truck 3 blocks away with large commercial window panes strapped to the sides of the truck.  Being in no hurry, I chose to let the truck come up and pass me before I went.  When the truck was 2 blocks away the urge to GO became STRONG, and almost like I heard a quiet voice telling me go, but I chose not to.  When the truck was 1 block away, I heard a very loud voice, sounding about 6 inches from my right ear scream “Go NOW!!!”.  I hit the accelerator and went with the truck still plenty of distance behind me.  I looked around to see where the voice had come from and there wasn’t a soul in sight, let alone 6” from my ear screaming.  Within 15 - 20 seconds I was on the on-ramp, with the truck behind me accelerating onto the speed of traffic on the freeway, when I heard an explosion behind me.  I looked in my rearview mirror to see as the truck with the glass panes was accelerating onto the freeway the straps broke and the entire load of window panes flew off the back of the truck, the glass shards looked like a shimmering tidal wave reaching the entire distance of the on- ramp.  Fortunately, there was no traffic behind the truck, nor was I.  Had I not listened to that voice, the entire load of glass would have come through my windshield.  I now listen to that little voice much more closely. As I have now this last 30 years in life and readings for every walk of life.

Through the years they come and go at will. Everyday of my existence on the planet I strive to constantly learn, and also learn how to apply what the spirits have to offer, into my everyday life. Which allows the reading experience to be different with every person and the energy they add to the reading.

Mystical Tarot - Magician

Mystical Tarot - Magician

Currently: Mystical Tarot is my favorite deck right now.  Love the richness and figures portrayed.  There’s a reverence I feel with this deck.